4 Activities To Enjoy With Kids At Home During The School Holidays

4 Activities To Enjoy With Kids At Home During The School Holidays

Posted 2016-07-14 by Jen Liufollow

School holidays means more time with the kids, which is great. But entertaining your littles ones can sometimes be a drain on your hip pocket. However, it doesn’t have to be. We’ve put together a list of fun, free activities to do at home these holidays. Beat boredom without leaving the house!

1. Plan A Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts shouldn't be limited to Easter. They encourage kids to work together and offer a sense of achievement. Planning your own hunt is a brilliant way to entertain at home, for free. Younger children will be happy to look for objects that are small and easy to identify. For older kids, invite their friends over, print off a list of items in the house they need to race to find. Also include other challenges like cooking or, if you’re feeling particularly cheeky, cleaning! Healthy competition can encourage kids to do the most wonderful (and helpful) tasks.

2. Get Out Their Green Thumbs

Sometimes kids need a little motivation to get them away from the screen. So why not help them set up their own veggie or herb patch in your backyard? Use pegs and string to section off their own corner. If you’re short on space, try container gardening. Even in winter, it’s great fun. Leafy green vegetables and most types of herbs thrive in colder months. Before you know it, they’ll be foraging in the garden, digging up tasty treats. Next stop - get them cooking. They’ll love the whole process, from patch to plate.

3. Paper Plane Building and Flying Competition

If you’re after a fun way to make time fly these holidays, take to the sky with paper planes. It’s one of the most economical ways to entertain. All you need is A4 paper! There are plenty of great designs available for free online. Everything from classic to complex, it’s great for all ages. An added bonus is that making paper planes has real learning benefits. It engages kids’ minds in basic maths and spatial thinking. But really, there is no better feeling than watching your hand-made plane soar through the air. For you, and your tiny Top Gun.

4. Reading Time!

Just because your kids are on holidays, doesn’t mean their brains should be too! Once they’re out of the classroom routine, it’s important to make sure they keep reading regularly. That way, they avoid heading back to school with a lower reading and interest level. But it’s key to make sure reading time is fun. Engage them by reading together, using funny voices for different characters. Take turns role playing - it’s good fun and a real confidence booster. Allow them the freedom to choose their own books to read. They’ll pick something that genuinely interests them, and will help their reading levels to improve. Your child’s imagination and creativity will come to life, once they bury their heads in a good book. For inspiration, check out Dymocks’ Children's Reading Guide or choose from a wide selection of children's books online .


230519 - 2023-07-17 12:05:01


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