Dandy Lions at The Royal Botanic Gardens
There is nothing more delightful than spending the morning out in the garden with a little one, and there is no better garden to enjoy than the spectacular Royal Botanic Gardens, on the sensational Sydney Harbour foreshore.
Dandy Lions is an educational playgroup where pre-schoolers and their carers can spend a few hours playing, making themed craft and other activities, as well as enjoy some story telling. There is also garden walks or gardening. Dandy Lions is held at 10.30 am - 12 noon Tuesdays and Thursdays during school term-time.
Bookings are essential, and you can book from the Monday of the week before on 9231 8134.
We attended the Halloween themed day in October, and the kids were encouraged to dress up. It was very cute to see the little princesses, bats and pirates running around.
There were tents and playdoh set up for independent play. The craft was making a spider web decoration, which involved some threading skills.
The other very messy craft, which delighted all of the children, was making a jack-o-lantern out of an orange. The kids scooped the pulp out, drank the juice, and then cut the holes for eyes and a mouth. They even got the candle to light it up later.
The stories involved puppets and interaction and my favourite, which we are still reaping the harvest of salad leaves, was planting garlic. We got to take home a planted bulb which is growing in it's little pot, and a great way for my little girl to take pride in her gardening.
The cost of all this, is $15, and money well spent for an entertaining morning. All craft and gardening materials are supplied, so all you have to do is turn up. There are only three more days left this year, so get in quick.
Thursday 5 December is themed Flutterbys and Caterpillars.
Tuesday 10 December and Thursday 12 December are both themed A Very Leafy Christmas.
So if you want a wonderful outdoors experience, aimed at learning through play for the under fives, the Dandy Lions are the perfect solution.
For more information, visit the
Royal Botanic Gardens Website .
230229 - 2023-07-17 11:56:08