Lawn Library Storytime Activities
Address: Hyde Park, off College St, Sydney
At a Glance: Great space to show children that the enjoyment of books is broad and libraries are fun.
Cost: Free
Opening Times: From Now until January 26th - 11.00 to 20.00 but closed Mondays.
BBQs: No
Dogs: No
Kiosk or Cafe: Yes, a range in the Festival Village.
Playground: No
Shade: Yes
Age Suitability: 3-5 or all ages, depending on the session.
Parking: No (there is paid car parks and meter parking available)
Description: The Lawn Library is a temporary offering as part of the Sydney Festival. Foster a love of books by letting your child choose one to take home (and keep!) or read in the appealing space in the heart of the Festival Village. Bring in a book to donate in the book swap if you wish.
Plenty of chairs and games if you wish to linger.
While a lot of regularly libraries stop their story time activities over the school holidays, catering for older children at this time, the Lawn Library has a range of events.
Twilight Storytime: Tuesday 21 January 6pm, Aimed at all ages.
Library Kids January (Bilingual): Wednesday 22 January 11.30am with facilitator, Pam Ho. Storytime in both Mandarin and English.
Butterfly Creations Workshop: Thursday 23 January 1pm. Children's painting workshop, using watercolours.
Library Kids: Friday 24 January 11.30am and Saturday 25 January 11.30am. Storytime fun (and craft) for the 3-5 year olds.
!Map (Hyde Park, College St, Sydney)
230284 - 2023-07-17 11:58:18