Precious Trinkets Treasures

Precious Trinkets Treasures

Posted 2013-04-06 by Justine Crowleyfollow
Beautiful wooden dolls for kids

It is unusual for home wares stores to be overly kid friendly in Sydney. Not unless you happen to stumble across Precious Trinkets & Treasures at Darling Street Rozelle. Most of the 'treasures' and 'trinkets' for sale are kid friendly, unique and utterly adorable. Any piece of art that any child in the area, let alone from anywhere in Sydney would like to enjoy. Adults, you can still buy other home ware items, however it is refreshingly great to see a store focusing on kids with old fashioned toys that are still in fashion.

Some beautiful kids clothing

Artist and owner Maritsa Skountzos is onto a winner. She is someone who is rather caring and rather helpful. The difficulty will be in deciding on which kid friendly object to choose. Love the wooden Russian Dolls, and the small hand made toys. These aren't mass produced, throw away toys. These toys are made with heart, care and finesse. Definitely high quality and hand made, and no doubt purport great keepsake items that won't come and go as passing fads. Its all beautiful to admire and adore.

More kids tolls near the display window

Also, the owner of Precious Trinkets & Treasures runs art classes for kids. In her words, the classes she runs are "art classes for creative little people." Nailed it, so cool. These classes focus on painting and the use of paints, pencils and oil pastels to name, although the classes are tailored and personalised towards each and every child that chooses to participate. Bookings need to be made in advance, and these classes always run during every school holiday period, and definitely during the Christmas/New Year break. These classes are suitable for kids from three years of age upwards. One on one tuition is also available, and Maritsa charges $40 per hour for this service. For classes with 2-3 kids, the charge is $35 per hour per child, and for classes with 4-6 kids, the charge goes down to $30 per hour per child.

More hand made toys to devour

An adorable store, loved by both adults and kids alike, and enjoys a perfect home in Rozelle, on the way to Lilyfield. A real keeper in a trendy locale.

Outside in Darling Street, Rozelle.


230187 - 2023-07-17 11:54:15


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