Saint Annes Reserve
Address: 30 Therry St West, Strathfield South
At a Glance:
Cost: Free
Opening Times: All day
BBQs: No
Kiosk or Cafe: No
Playground: Yes
Shade: Yes
Swimming: No
Tables: Yes
Toilets: No
Showers: No
Water: No
Age Suitability: 1 to 8
This is a little park on the Cooks River Cycleway. It can be a destination in itself, or part of a cycle trip.
There is a swing set here, seesaw, two spinners and an old fashioned monkey bar set.
If you have kids of mixed ages, you could consider going to this playground for the younger kids and then walking or cycling to
Dean Reserve which is a 5 to 10 minute walk away and has a bubbler and toilet along with playground more suited to older kids.
#age :_1_to_5
#age :_5_to_10
!Map 30 Therry St West, Strathfield South
230252 - 2023-07-17 11:57:02
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