Address:Level 1, 29 Rialto Lane, Manly, 2095
At a Glance: offers fun courses and workshops based in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.
Cost: Varies
Opening Times: Varies - before, after and during school hours
Age Suitability: TinkerTots are 3-6 years old; other courses are 6 and into teens (up to 16). Check each course for specific age range.Explore the timetable
Description: Workshops based in creativity - coding, animation, Lego, Robotics, 3D printing, life drawing. Explore ideas and learn new skills. Make the extra curricular extra exciting.
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#age_all_ages_ (3_)
!Map (Level 1, 29 Rialto Lane, Manly, 2095)
230524 - 2023-07-17 12:05:05