Ulolo Community Park
Address: Ulolo Avenue Hornsby Heights NSW 2077
At a Glance: A basic park in the fringes of Hornsby Heights
Cost: Free
Opening Times: Every day
BBQs: No
Dogs: Yes, provided they don't get within 10 metres of equipment and tables
Kiosk or Cafe: No
Playground: Yes
Shade: Yes
Swimming: No
Tables: Yes
Toilets: No
Showers: No
Water: No
Age Suitability: Young kids
Parking: Local streets only (mainly Ulolo Avenue)
is located on the edge of Hornsby Heights, right before Galston Road enters Galston Gorge. The lack of likely visitors is reflected in the fact the park isn't as well done up as others around Hornsby and Hornsby Heights.
The park takes up a block of land between Galston Road and Ulolo Avenue. Closer to Galston Road you will find it's minimal amount of play equipment, which is little more than two sets of swings. This end is fenced and there's also a seat.
Ulolo Park from Galston Road
On the other side of a large tree that spans also the whole width, there's more open space. Under the tree is the park's only table.
The park from Ulolo Avenue
The main parks in Hornsby Heights are
Montview Oval , which is very close to , and
Rofe Park , further down Galston Road (towards Hornsby, not Galston).
For more fun things to do with kids, join us on
!Map Ulolo Avenue Reserve Hornsby Heights NSW 2077
230465 - 2023-07-17 12:03:48